Thursday, November 15, 2007

Trench Journal- Literary Analysis (Ch 9)

Paul returns to the front but his regiment has left on a mission.

Paul learns that they will return in a couple of days.

His regiment returns and he shares his potato cakes with his buddies and he feels like he's at home.

They hear that the Kaiser is coming to visit and in a few weeks he arrives and hands out medals.

Albert and Paul have an argument about who is right about the war. None of them can think of a reason for the war but assume that those who declared it have their reasons.

While on their way to the front they see a man and call for a stretcher.

Paul and his regiment are sent out to scout out the enemy and a bomb goes off and Paul suffers a panic attack.

Kat yells at him and Paul regains his senses.

While heading back to his trench the bombing starts up again and he gains shelter in a shell hole.

He feigns death while the French troops advance.

A French soldier jumps into his ditch and Paul stabs him.

Paul feels guilty and attempts to help him but he bleeds to death.

Paul goes through his items and learns that he was a printer with a wife and child.

Finally, Paul is able to leave the shell hole and return to his trench.

Paul feels guilty about killing the Frenchman and not being able to save him. He is also relieved that he is back with his friends and the shelter of his trenches.

"Irresolutely I take the wallet in my hand"(Remarque 224).

Irresolute-doubtful; infirm of purpose; vacillating

"With wet lips I try to placate him"(Remarque 225).

Placate- To allay the anger of, especially by making concessions; appease.

A country may follow a plan if it stops conflict even if it isn't the right thing for the country. This cartoon shows an emaciated hand signing the treaty of peace. This hand could represent Germany as it signs the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty was refused by the German government the first time it was proposed. However, under new government the treaty was excepted and Germany suffered loss of land, colonies, and military strength. This was to reduce the risk of another war. Germany had no other option other than to sign the treaty or continue to fight and the latter was out of the question. Germany was forced to sign this treaty which did not help it other than stopping the war.

I learned that war turns people into unthinking machines. They don't view the enemy as men but as a weapon. They focus only on their gun and grenades not their lives and goals.

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